Volunteer Opportunities
As a member of the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association, you are already contributing to strengthening WWOA and its mission. As a passionate and involved member, you help to make our organization even greater.
Keeping engaged with WWOA widens the door to greater resources and tools for yourself and others. We want to help you grow and flourish, and so, we offer numerous opportunities for you to become more involved and get more out of your membership. WWOA works with you to ensure that your involvement is as unique as your skills and availability. Whether you have a little or a lot of time to give, WWOA has an opportunity for you!
Anyone who has a passion for woodlands in Wisconsin can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty and utility of the woodlands by volunteering with us. WWOA will show volunteers how to work with private landowners to encourage sustainable forestry and all related resources in Wisconsin.

WWOA organizes many of its needs and offerings into various committees and localized chapters. Find out which chapter your woodlands are located in to get involved at a smaller, local level, or look at our list of committees to see which involvement opportunity might be best for you. If you’re in the Stevens Point area, WWOA offers chances for your assistance in the main office, as well.
Have no fear! No previous experience or knowledge in Forestry or related fields is required! Share your unique background and experiences with us by filling out our volunteer interest form using the link below. We will match you with the best opportunity to fit your strengths. See something you like? Want to be updated about future opportunities that might interest you? Fill out our Online Volunteer Interest Form and indicate the committee you’re interested in, or indicate the short-term opportunity in the “other ways you’d like to contribute” box. Once received, our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch with you about getting more involved with WWOA. A Printable Volunteer Interest Form is also available.
Click the links below to view the different opportunities WWOA has to offer!
If you have questions, please contact the WWOA office.