Get Involved
What Will Your Story with WWOA Be?
WWOAs Volunteer Program is dedicated to empowering our members to maximize their experiences with WWOA by participating in positions that interest and inspire them, and allow them to succeed to their greatest potential, while contributing to the education, outreach, and advocacy for private woodlands and their owners.
As a part of the WWOA Volunteer Program, you could make an influential decision for a committee or help be a part of the planning and execution of the always celebrated Annual Meeting. You might host a field day to show off your land, or offer your experiences concerning a woodland management issue. There are many opportunities to become more involved with WWOA. What will your story be? We cant wait to see!
Start sharing, serving, and growing with us by filling out our online volunteer interest form, or by printing out an interest form and mailing it to our office. WWOA’s Volunteer Coordinator is eager to hear from you and work with you to become more involved. You will be contacted shortly after your form is received so that we can work together to pair your talents with WWOA’s needs.
“This association is not something you belong to- it is you! This is our association and it will succeed or fail in direct proportion to the effort and enthusiasm that we, the association members, are willing to put forth.
-Ernie Brickner, WWOAs first President