Climate Change
Climate change is defined by National Geographic as a long-term shift in global or regional climate patterns. Often climate change refers specifically to the rise in global temperatures from the mid 20th century to the present.
Climate Patterns Viewer– Accounting for El Nino/La Nina
Climate Wisconsin– Stories from A State of Change
Climate Change Response Framework – Forest-based
Climate Change Field Guide Northern WI –NEW!
Climate Change Field Guide Southern WI – NEW!
Forest Resiliency for an Uncertain Future– NEW!
Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change
NOAA – State Climate Summaries
Protect Your Woods for Tomorrow – Woods Health or Landowner Climate Scorecard – NEW!
USFS Climate Change Resource Center
USFS Climate Change Impacts on Forests Video Model
USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub
USDA Regional Assessment – Midwest
Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts by WICCI