Blog Articles
Protect Your Oaks
Remember – to protect oak trees and help prevent oak wilt, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources advises people to avoid pruning oaks on their property from April through July. Any tree damage during this time creates an opening that exposes live tree tissue and provides an opportunity for the oak wilt fungus to invade and establish itself in the tree.
John Muir Library Exhibit
A travelling John Muir library exhibit is making its way across Wisconsin! Through 2016 the Wisconsin Historical Society is providing a free exhibit to public libraries in 25 communities. The exhibit explores Muir’s youth, advocacy for national parks, and his views on environmental issues such as logging, hunting and climate change.
Be Aware of Ticks and Lyme Disease as the Weather Warms Up
As the weather warms up ticks will become active again. Ticks are active any time the temperature is above freezing. Though we have multiple species of ticks in Wisconsin and they can carry a variety of diseases, Lyme disease is the one we worry about most. Lyme disease has a wide range of symptoms and can have long lasting effects on those it infects, both humans and our pets.
New bacteria species discovered that causes Lyme disease
The Centers for Disease Control with the Mayo Clinic and health officials from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota found recently that the bacteria Borrelia mayonii can also cause Lyme disease, as well as the previously known Borrelia burgdorferi. The newly discovered bacteria causes the usual initial symptoms of Lyme, as well as nausea and vomiting. It also does not present with the typical bulls-eye rash of B.
UWFWS Publishes Northern Long-Eared Bat Protections under Threatened Species 4(d) Rule
On January 14, 2016 the US Fish and Wildlife Service published the final 4(d) rule for the Northern Long-Eared Bat (NLEB) which was listed as a Threatened species in 2015. The NLEB is found in Wisconsin and may affect how you manage your woodlands. Learn more at the USFWS or the Wisconsin DNR website pages on the NLEB.
Kurt and Gloria Schuh
The Schuh’s woodlands, in Marinette County, have always been a family affair. Kurt’s grandparents bought the first 40 acres in 1964, Kurt and his brother later bought 52 acres, and Kurt and Gloria bought 40 acres, all adjacent to one another, making a contiguous 132 acres today. Gloria loves their woodlands for the space it provides for their family.
Government passes Permanent Charitable Giving Options
The Protecting Americans From Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 was passed by votes of 318 to 109 in the House and 65 to 33 in the Senate. President Obama signed the PATH Act on December 18, 2015. With bipartisan support, the bill makes permanent four tax extenders that help donors support their favorite charities: IRA Charitable Rollover, Conservation Gift Limits, Food Inventory Gifts, and S Corporation Appreciated Gifts.
MFL “Open” Lands now subject to Tribal Night Hunting
Yesterday’s (October 13, 2015) ruling by U.S.
MFL & FCL changes made in Budget Bill
The WI DNR has released new information for Managed Forest Law (MFL) and Forest Crop Law (FCL) contract holders for processing cutting notices. WWOA was unsuccessful in attempting to remove language in the state budget recently signed by the Governor, as a result DNR approval of cutting notices has been eliminated – if foresters from designated organizations submit the cutting notice. PLEASE NOTE – it is the landowner’s choice to request DNR approval.
Legislators again change Managed Forest Law Program in Budget Bill
More than three million acres of Wisconsin woodlands under the Managed Forest Law (MFL) and Forest Crop Law (FCL) programs are once again impacted by changes proposed in the state budget. The State Legislature, through the Joint Finance Committee is withdrawing DNR Division of Forestry oversight of the program it is charged to administer.