Blog Articles
Esser Condolences
Hilmore Robert Esser, Madison – passed away December 18, 2016.
Americans are quietly preserving 56 million acres of private land
RUSSELL MCLENDON December 20, 2016, 8:15 a.m. U.S. landowners voluntarily protect more land (and water) than all national parks in the lower 48 states, a new census shows. National parks are known as “America’s best idea,” a lofty title not used lightly. They protect iconic natural landscapes across the U.S., saving them for future generations while letting current generations enjoy them, too.
Some Loggers Holding off on Timber Harvests
Larger mills don’t have as much need for wood since they have full inventories, said Forrest Gibeault, analysis and investment operations director with the forestry consulting firm Steigerwaldt Land Services out of Tomahawk. He said several factors are driving that.
USDA Commits $32 Million to Protect Natural Resources through Joint Chiefs’ Partnership
Madison, Wis., – Dec. 20, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced a new investment of $32 million to improve the health and resiliency of forest ecosystems where public forests and grasslands connect to privately-owned lands. Through the Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the U.S.
Prune trees in winter to help prevent oak wilt
Contact(s): Don Kissinger: 715.359-5793 or Paul Cigan 715.416-4920 MADISON – Now is a good time for tree pruning, when temperatures are cold, according to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources tree health experts. Oak Wilt Prevention “Pruning is a good practice to help create or maintain good branch structure and minimize many tree pest and disease problems.
Natural Heritage Conservation Program Annual Report
The WI DNR has released the Natural Heritage Conservation Program 2016 Annual Report. Read on to learn more about the new species that were discovered in Wisconsin over the last year, as well as, to read up on how some of Wisconsin’s rarities are doing.
New fungicide, RotStop C, now available in Wisconsin
A new fungicide, RotStop C, is now registered and available for use in Wisconsin. The fungicide is used to protect fresh cut stumps from Heterobasidion Root Disease (formerly referred to as Annosum Root Rot). RotStop C is a biological fungicide that contains spores of the wood decay fungus, Phlebiopsis gigantea. RotStop C is a wettable powder, applied as an aqueous mixture to fresh cut stumps.
Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2016 Tax Year
by Dr. Linda Wang, National Timber Tax Specialist, U.S. Forest Service This report provides up-to-date federal income tax information affecting timber transactions. It assists woodland owners, logging professionals, foresters and their tax accountants in filing the 2016 tax returns. The information presented here is for educational purpose only and is not intended for legal or accounting advice.
Erpenbach Condolences
Donald Erpenbach, Oronoco, MN – passed away November 16, 2016.
Livingston Jr. Condolences
David Livingston Jr., Huntley, IL – passed away November 20, 2016.