Blog Articles
Private Woodland Owners Stand to Lose Big if Forestry Mill Tax is Eliminated in Wisconsin Budget – Make your views known to your Wisconsin Senators and Representatives Today
Governor Walker’s budget bill includes shifting funding for the DNR Forestry Program from the Forestry Mill Tax to general purpose revenues (GPR) for the 2017-2019 biennium. This shift will jeopardize the stable funding source, which has supported the DNR Forestry Program and may place DNR Forestry and its 100 years of forestry accomplishments at risk.
DMAP Applications due March 1
It’s not too late to sign up for DMAP in 2017 to improve habitat for wildlife! Wisconsin’s Deer Management Assistance Program can help you enhance wildlife habitat on property your own or hunt.
Stelter Condolences
David Stelter, Wautoma – passed away February 12, 2017.
Wallesverd Condolences
James Wallesverd, West Bend – passed away November 28, 2016.
DNR Forestry Program Funding Jeopardized by Governor’s Budget
W.W.O.A. ALERT The DNR Forestry Program has been an important partner with the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association since WWOA’s founding in 1979. Governor Walker’s budget proposal to eliminate the Wisconsin Forestry Mil Tax and shift DNR Forestry funding to general purpose revenues (GPR) will jeopardize this stable funding source which has supported the DNR Forestry Program for almost 100 years. WWOA strongly opposes the elimination of the Forestry Mil Tax and encourages those interested in the stewardship…
End of Frozen Road Period and Start of Class II Road Restrictions Begin
This announcement was originally created by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and is being distributed by the Great Lakes Timber Professional Association (GLTPA) The frozen road declaration ends and spring thaw and class II restrictions begin in zones 3, 4, and 5 on Saturday, February 18th, 2017, at 12:01 a.m.
Conservation Congress Hearings set for Monday, April 10
The Wisconsin Conservation Congress will will hold its election of county delegates in each county. Upon completion of the delegate elections, the joint Spring Department of Natural Resources Rule and Informational Hearing and Conservation Congress County Meeting will convene on Monday, April 10, 2017. These meetings are held in each county across Wisconsin starting at 7:00 pm.
Public meetings set on changes to northern forest master plans
The public will have a second opportunity at upcoming open house meetings and open office hours to review and comment on proposed changes to master plans for several northern forests.
DNR Proposes Major Changes in Field Forester Operations that Affect Private Landowners
At its January meeting, the Council on Forestry was briefed on the DNR’s Division of Forestry reorganization plans. In her presentation, Carmen Harden, Forest Management Bureau Director, described how the Forestry Division intends to change how field foresters will interact with private woodland owners. READ MORE
Jon Fox
Jon Fox currently studies forestry at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. His interest in forestry has deep roots, having grown up on 16 acres of woodlands in Dane county. His parents bought the property in the late 1980s, and have been caring for its woodlands, since. Jon has always been engaged with his family’s woodlands, working alongside his dad to remove invasive species and manage their property for wildlife and hunting.