Women of WWOA


The Women of WWOA offers educational activities and a supportive atmosphere for women landowners to learn more about caring for their woodlands. The group gathers two to three times a year to spend a day learning from each other and natural resource professionals.


2025 WOWWOA Gatherings


May 17 – Baraboo Area

Join us for a tour of the International Crane Foundation followed by lunch, then we will travel to Devil’s Lake State Park for a short hike with their naturalist.

Registration information will be sent out after Easter.


July 26 – Weyauwega area

Kathy Wagner welcomes us on a beautiful summer day to their woodland to learn more about identifying and controlling the invasive plants she has worked on.


Fall 2025 – Shawano area

Learn more about Natural Native American Medicinal plants with Misty Cook (Davids)

Misty wrote a book with her grandfather called, Medicine Generations: Natural Native American Medicines Traditional to the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Tribe

Past WOWWOA Events

Saturday, October 19, 2024

It was a beautiful day, starting off at REGI (Raptor Education Group Inc.) in Antigo, WI. Attendees gained insight on native raptors and preventative actions that could be taken to safeguard these remarkable birds. Marge Gibson, the co-founder and director of the organization, went above and beyond for our group, even giving us a behind the scenes look of a bald eagle who had just been admitted to the clinic for injuries sustained from being struck by a vehicle. Following the facility tour, we shared conversation over soup and salad at Melody Mill Bar and Grill in Aniwa. And then we concluded our day at Outback Tree Farm where Jim and Marlene Zdanovec gave a tour of their land and cabin.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The WOWWOA gathered at Main Street Cafe in Bloomer to get to know each other better. WDNR wildlife biologist, Terry Shaurette, shared the ecological value of beaver ponds and we learned about beaver habits and habitats. After a yummy lunch we went to the TM Culbert & Family LLC woods to visit hosts Margaret and Tom Culbert.  There we hiked into an amazing beaver pond complex and learn about their NRCS project to remove ironwood from the understory of their woods. Margaret astonished us all with a dessert buffet to rival any fancy restaurant!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

We enjoyed a day at the historic Woodside Ranch near Mauston.  We learned about school forests, youth activities, and after a delicious lunch, enjoy a tractor and wagon ride through their southern fields, pastures, and woods.
At the end of the day, a number of us went for an enjoyable horseback ride through the northern side of the property.

In October 2022, we visited the Boston School Forest in Plover, WI. We were able to hear the background history of the property from Kayla Lockman, the Program Leader at the Boston School Forest, as well as how the forest is utilized in curriculum throughout all grades in the Stevens Point School District. We went on a walk throughout the school forest with Kayla where she pointed out forest management techniques being implemented, and invasive species control methods being used. Jeremy Natzke, UW-Stevens Point Graduate Teaching Assistant, presented on useful nature apps that are great for use in the outdoors. To finish off the day Nancy Bozek, WWOA’s Executive Director, and Violet Thielke, WWOA’s Office Assistant, lead a walk through the forest speaking on tree and invasive ID, forest professionals, and addressing any concerns and questions about the current state of the forest industry in Wisconsin. We were blessed with great weather, terrific speakers, and wonderful group of women!

In June 2022, we visited WOWWOA member Jacki Hoffman’s property near Black River Falls. With lots of women in attendance to this event we did brief introductions. Kerry Burnside, Jacki’s physical therapist, taught us breathing exercises and routine exercises to limber your body up before working in your woods to prevent injuries. Ellen Wynkoop shared her experiences about all things Monarch butterflies and Milkweed. Following lunch, the women had the opportunity to show-and-tell their favorite hand tool that they regularly use in their woodland. Then there were two workshop style stations women could choose from one of which being the opportunity to test lighter weight electric and gas-powered woodland tools, with Don Hoffman and Brian Borreson. The other workshop was creating a simple leaf print notecard with Jacki Hoffman that you could take home. The Hoffman’s woodland was a beautiful place to host this Women of WWOA event!

In October 2021, we visited Levis/Trow Mound Recreational Area near Neillsville.  In the morning we learned the history, uses and management of the area and then hiked up a sandstone bluff or mound with Steve Meurett of Neillsville Trails Association for a beautiful view.  After lunch, Diane Lueck taught us the basics of using a compass and we learned how to calculate our pace.  We then took a nature walk and stopped to discuss things such as the difference between an aspen and a birch tree, why some trees grow in clumps and what is important when harvesting them, and of course how to use our new compass and pace skills for exploring.

In July 2021, we went back to WOWWOA member Diane Lueck’s property near Coloma to see the changes and updates since we visited in 2016.  She had selected the site for her cabin (with a few changes after attending the April 2019 session on wildfire prevention) and the very space efficient building had been completed.  Diane covered the geology of the area.  Then we took a walk to see her native prairie restoration.  We learned about the various plants that are returning to the area that was cleared of brush a few years ago.  After lunch we discussed safety in the woods or rural areas, especially for women who are alone.  Each participant received a tick prevention safety kit and special safety whistle.

In October 2019, the Women of WWOA  headed to Wheeler, Wisconsin, along with fellow Minnesota Women’s Woodland Network for a visit to WOWWOA member Sally Conklin’s Tree Farm. We toured Sally’s tree farm along with her forester, Jay Jordan of Jordan Forestry, to learn about converting plantations to a natural forest and special ornamentals that Sally has planted. We also learned about the reestablishment of native prairies, pollinators and preventing invasives and even helped spread prairie seeds! We wrapped up the day making porch pots for everyone to take home to display on their front porch.


Spring is in the air (even if it isn’t on the ground) and so are Wisconsin wildfires.  In April 2019, The Women of WWOA learned how to make our woodlands and buildings more FireWise with Amy Luebke of WI DNR.  Mary and Judy Kucksdorf  brought out the kid in each of us with ideas on how to engage the “next generation” such as an egg carton scavenger hunt and twig letter art.   Marcia Frost Vahradian of V’s Forestry Consulting LLC lead a walk to learn more about Wisconsin’s pines, where they grow, and how to keep them healthy. Helen Moberg shared with us her experiences with a sweet spring tradition – maple syruping in which we poured over ice cream for a end-of-the-day treat!

The Women of WWOA had a great time at the Aldo Leopold Center in October 2018 learning more about Aldo Leopold and his legacy. We enjoyed tours of “The Shack” which is a rebuilt chicken coop along the Wisconsin River where Leopold and his family would spend weekends at.  Although it was a blustery day, we wrapped up the tour with with warm soup for lunch at the Center. Helen Moberg and Diane Humphrey Lueck taught us all about nature journaling, learning more about our land,  just like Leopold used to do!

Other Resources & Activities for Women


Becoming An Outdoors Women (BOW) 

Becoming An Outdoors Woman offers year round activities and trips for adult women of any age or fitness level in a hands-on, supportive atmosphere.  They offer international and Wisconsin based programs to learn more about outdoor skills.

  • Check the BOW Calendar page for  local and international trips offered throughout the year.

Wisconsin Women in Conservation (WiWiC)

Wisconsin Women in Conservation is a state-wide collaborative effort led by the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute in partnership with Renewing the Countryside, the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES), and Wisconsin Farmers Union. A three-year multi-faceted project funded by the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), WiWiC brings together Wisconsin women landowners to connect and learn about conservation practices, resources, and funding opportunities.

Women’s Environmental Institute (WEI)

The Women’s Environmental Institute is an environmental research, renewal, and retreat center designed to create and share knowledge about environmental issues and policies relevant to women, children, and identified communities affected by environmental injustice; to promote agricultural justice, organic and sustainable agriculture and ecological awareness; and to support activism that influences public policy and promotes social change. [Located in Minnesota]

Select Current WEI Activities.  Check their Calendar of Events for numerous classes throughout the year.

Women Owning Woodlands (WOW)

The Women Owning Woodlands web project strives to bring topical, accessible, and current forestry information to woodland owners.

-Additional resources from the national Women Owning Woodlands Virtual Conference held March 3rd-5th, 2022

Other Resources for Women 


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