Plant Resources

Resources on plant identification, management, invasive species, and more.

Discover Life Identification Guides (plants, fungi, animals, etc.)
        Forest Health – WDNR
        Forest Health Staff – WDNR
Forest Vegetation Management (from PennState Extension)
Herbicides and Forest Vegetation Management (free online book from PennState Extension)
        Invasive Species – Look for and Report these Nine Invasive Species
        Invasive Plant Management Factsheets (UW-Madison Extension)
        Mowing Times for Invasive Plant Control in Wisconsin (under Mechanical Control)
Common Plants of Wisconsin (from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point)
        Renz Weed Science Laboratory (UW-Madison Extension)
        Virginia Tech Dendrology – Woody Plants in North America
        Wildflowers in Wisconsin! (colorful slideshow) – NEW!