Blog Articles
Gotham Condolences
Carson Gotham, Holmen – passed away July 20, 2017. Carson had been a life member of WWOA.
New DNR Tax Law Section for MFL and FCL
From: WI DNR Forestry News As part of the DNR Strategic Alignment, the Division of Forestry has consolidated the tax law programs (Managed Forest Law and Forest Crop Law) and associated work into fewer positions under a new Tax Law section. This section will focus on the tax law programs, allowing us to better meet our customers’ needs. Within the new section, six staff are located in Madison: Tax Law Section Chief, Tax Law Administration Specialist, Tax…
Bobbi Freitag
Bobbi Freitag first heard of WWOA when she and her husband, Rick, attended a woodland owners conference in Ashland in the early 1990s. They had recently purchased their land in the Birchwood pothole lake area and decided to attend the conference to learn more about their northern woodlands. The conference opened Bobbi’s eyes up to sustainable forestry and enlightened her to the vast amount of information available.
Prevent Tick Borne Illnesses
According to the Center for Disease Control, there were roughly 28,500 confirmed cases of Lyme disease in 2015; but the actual number of cases may be 10 times greater. Lyme used to be confined to a few localized areas, particularly around Connecticut and the Northeast, but warmer winter temperatures and urban sprawl-which has reduced natural predators that kill tick-hosting rodents and deer-have caused populations to explode and spread across the country.
Promulgation of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Interior Quarantine in Michigan
June 6, 2017 To: Stakeholders and Industries Associated with Hemlock The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) is implementing an interior state quarantine to protect Michigan’s native and cultivated hemlock populations from hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA). HWA has not been found in Michigan until recently where it has been detected at multiple sites in four counties in western Michigan.
Heiser Condolences
Rebecca A. “Becky” Heiser, Baraboo – passed away May 29, 2017. Becky’s husband, Ralph, is the current Chippewa Valley Chapter Chair. Becky and Ralph have been active WWOA members in their local chapters, hosting field days and tours, assisting with annual meeting planning, and giving presentations on growing shiitake mushrooms.
Wisconsin Council of Forestry Announces Strong Support for Funding the Mill Tax
The Governor’s Council on Forestry has announced it’s support for the continued funding of the Forestry Mill Tax. Read the full letter here.
Others in the Forestry Community Now Join WWOA’s Efforts on the Forestry Mill Tax
Lake States Lumber Association, Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association, and Wisconsin Consulting Foresters released their letter to the Joint Committee on Finance opposing the defunding of the forestry mill tax. Read the full letter here.
LAST CHANCE to speak out on the Forestry Mill Tax
VERY SOON the Joint Committee on Finance (JCF) will be taking up the Forestry Mill Tax (or as legislators have been calling it the State Property Tax) issue. The Committee is split on this issue and needs to hear from WWOA members and citizens about the benefits of the Forestry Mill Tax. Your voice and a few minutes of your time CAN make a difference on this very important issue!
Joint Committee on Finance Members
Please select Read More for the full listing of all Joint Committee on Finance Members and their contact information.