Blog Articles
Governor announces location of WI DNR State Forestry Headquarters
MADISON – Governor Scott Walker announced today that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources state forestry headquarters will be relocating to the DNR Rhinelander Service Center by the first of next year.
See Condolences
Jone See, Stillwater, MN – passed away May 13, 2017. Memorials may be directed to Twin Cities Public Television, Inc., 172 East 4th St., Saint Paul, MN 55101 or the ALS Society of Minnesota, 333 North Washington Ave., Suite 105, Minneapolis, MN 55401.
Carey Condolences
Royal Carey, Campbellsport – passed away September 20, 2017. Memorials may be directed to the Salvation Army, 237 N Macy St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935, Saint Matthew Catholic Church, 406 E Main St., Campbellsport, WI 53010 or Hospice Home of Hope, 400 County Road K, Fond du Lac, WI 54935.
Bauer Condolences
Theodore “Ted” Bauer, Wautoma – passed away September 17, 2017. Memorials may be directed to the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association, PO Box 285, Stevens Point, WI 54481 or the Disabled American Veterans Association at
Berryhill Condolences
Barbara Berryhill, Nashville, IN – passed away January 29, 2017.
County Deer Advisory Council (CDAC) Meetings
Contact: Kevin Wallenfang, 608-261-7589 Detailed information: County Deer Advisory Councils will review public input and form final deer herd population objectives and zone/deer management unit (DMU) boundary changes for their county that will be in effect through the 2020 deer hunting seasons. Monday, October 2 Pepin County – 5 p.m., Pepin County Government Center, 740 7th Ave.
Watch for oak wilt signs to help stop the spread of this tree-killing disease
Contact(s): Todd Lanigan, DNR forest health specialist, 715-839-1632; Don Kissinger DNR urban forester, 715-359-5793 MADISON — Each year, a tree-killing fungal disease strikes and kills thousands of oak trees in Wisconsin’s forests, woodlots and urban areas. Oak wilt is common in southern and central Wisconsin and is becoming increasingly abundant in northern counties. It is difficult to control once the disease takes hold and prevention steps need to be taken to slow the spread.
Sondalle Condolences
Kenneth Sondalle, Neshkoro – passed away Saturday, August 19, 2017.
DNR Invites Public to Participate in Bat Habitat Conservation Efforts
Cave-dwelling bat populations in Wisconsin are rapidly declining due to a fungal disease known as white-nose syndrome. Some species may soon be listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). In preparation for this listing, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is teaming up with the Michigan and Minnesota DNRs to develop a large-scale Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP).
Jack Rasmussen
What would you plant on a cleared 50 acre parcel? A veneer plantation? Well, that’s what WWOA member, Jack Rasmussen of St. Croix County, did, with a little push from his older brother, of course. Jack purchased the property in 1993. It was an open piece of land after having been enrolled in CRP following years of agriculture.