The WI DNR has released new information for Managed Forest Law (MFL) and Forest Crop Law (FCL) contract holders for processing cutting notices. WWOA was unsuccessful in attempting to remove language in the state budget recently signed by the Governor, as a result DNR approval of cutting notices has been eliminated – if foresters from designated organizations submit the cutting notice.
PLEASE NOTE – it is the landowner’s choice to request DNR approval. The MFL/FCL programs clearly place the legal responsibility for compliance with these programs on participating landowners not on the Foresters or others submitting the cutting notices.
WWOA strongly encourages woodland owners to request DNR approval of cutting notices to protect the landowner from inadvertently being removed from the program for not practicing sustainable forestry. To ensure that harvesting practices are approved by DNR, woodland owners should mark the box on the cutting notice form directly above their signature on the bottom of the first page. Approval of cutting notices is a fairly quick process 7-10 days so it doesn’t impact the general timeline for harvesting.