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How would you like to start Growing Your Legacy?*
I would like to see if I qualify for a FREE on-site walk through of my property with a WDNR Forester and schedule a visit if I doI’m all in! I want to become a member of WWOA right now and receive my FREE My Land HandbookI’m still exploring the website and thinking about joining WWOA, but I would like to be sent a FREE inquiry packet (including magazine) in the mean timeI’m ready to hire a forester right now!” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>[2] Forestry with Confidence: A Guide for Woodland Owners
<a href=”” class=”button large”>Join Now</a>
What is the My Land Handbook and how do I get one?
The My Land Handbook was developed as a tool to help you communicate with your next generation or land managers about your land and its history. It offers a place to keep all information regarding your land in one convenient location. The handbook was designed to capture the large details (like legal descriptions, tax information, and contact information of professionals that help manage the land) down to the small details (like where do you keep the tractor keys?) about your land. The intention of the My Land Handbook is to ease the transition when it comes time to pass on your property and to simplify the process of locating information about your property when filing taxes or applying to cost share programs. The My Land Handbook is a great tool to have in an emergency when you need to find information quickly, such as a natural disaster affecting your woodland or an unexpected death in the family. For that reason it should be kept in a safe location.

Click Here to View Sample Pages from the My Land Handbook
To receive a complimentary copy of the My Land Handbook with binder, be one of the first 325 people to fill out the form above and take at least one of the following steps:
- Become a member of the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association (WWOA). Visit the Join Us page to sign-up in addition to filling out the form above.
- Sign-Up to see if you qualify for an on site visit with a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Forester by filling out the form above. We will help connect those that qualify with the WDNR forester for their area of the state. You must complete the site visit to be sent your My Land Handbook. Those that don’t qualify for a visit will still be mailed alternate resources about Growing Your Legacy.