Qualified Charitable Distributions from your Individual Retirement Account
If you are over 70 ½ years old you are required to take money out of your individual retirement account (IRA). Normally when you take money out of your IRA this becomes a taxable event and raises your adjusted gross income. If you intend to give this money to charity, your taxable income is reduced by the amount of the gift after the donation. However, your adjusted gross income remains higher.
Brush Piles for Wildlife
Have you ever watched a startled rabbit dart across your yard and suddenly disappear as if by magic? No magic. Chances are the wily critter escaped into a strategically located den or tangled grove. You can create this kind of habitat—“rabbitat” if you will—by building brush piles. When you do, you’ll find that brush piles are important for many other kinds of wildlife too….
Leaf-browning on white and burr oaks
During late August and September of this year, Forest Health staff received several comments about problems with white and burr oaks.
Oak branch tips laying on the ground this fall
Forest health specialists in the northern part of the state recently received reports of oak trees suddenly losing branch tips (complete with attached leaves).
Emerald Ash Borer Detected in Kewaunee County for 1st Time
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has detected emerald ash borer for the first time in Kewaunee County. This is the second new county detection of 2018 for Wisconsin. On August 15, a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources employee noticed infested trees along Rangeline Road, extending into portions of the Town of Carlton and the Town of Franklin, in a 1- by 1.5-mile area in southern Kewaunee County.
Wild Cucumber Growing on Trees
Anyone who has driven down a country road or even on an interstate in Wisconsin recently has likely seen a white-flowered vine creeping up into the trees. While you may be concerned about the fate of the trees, we have good news. The plant in question is the native wild cucumber vine and it doesn’t present a serious threat to most trees or shrubs.
Become a Tree Seed Collector
The WDNR Reforestation Program continues to purchase seed from private collectors. Over the years, seedling demands have changed; thus, so does the need for seed.
Boxwood Blight Found in Wisconsin for First Time
MADISON – Boxwood blight, a serious fungal disease that attacks a popular garden shrub, has been found in Wisconsin for the first time at a nursery grower in Kenosha County, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection announced today. Department nursery inspectors found it during a routine annual inspection and sent samples for laboratory testing.
Fall Webworms Start Making An Appearance
MADISON–Web-like nests of fall webworm caterpillars, a common native pest active from July through September in Wisconsin, are beginning to appear in parts of the state. “Fall webworms are rarely large enough to cause lasting damage to trees, but the presence of nests and feeding damage from caterpillars can greatly affect how the tree looks,” says Todd Lanigan, forest health specialist for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
First Ever Reported Death From Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Wisconsin
A La Crosse woman in her late 50s died from Rocky Mountain Spotted (RMSF) fever in June. She was bit while camping in western Wisconsin in early May. RMSF is considered rare in the Midwest and is more common in central and southeastern regions of the United States. It is spread by the wood (or American dog) tick, whereas most tickborne diseases transmitted in Wisconsin are spread by the deer (or blacklegged) tick.