Featured Page
Wisconsin’s Greenfire: Voices for Conservation
Wisconsin’s Greenfire: Voices for Conservation During the last century, following the devastation of “The Great Cutover,” Wisconsin became a national leader in forest conservation. Forests now cover over half the land in Wisconsin (over 17.5 million acres). But, we cannot take our forests for granted. Our forests and forest-based economy are already changing in the face of the ongoing threats and risks facing our forests today.

Calling Women Woodland Owners
Registration is open for October 19 in Central Wisconsin We will start this beautiful fall day by gathering in the parking lot of the Raptor Education Group or REGI for a welcome and bit of sharing. We will take a guided tour of the facility to meet a variety of avian ambassador species up close such as hawks, owls, falcons, crows, turkey vultures, and waterfowl.
USDA Seeks Ash Trees to Battle Emerald Ash Borer
Landowners Asked to Donate Infested Ash Trees The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is asking Wisconsin landowners for their help in fighting the Emerald ash borer (EAB). The pest is an invasive insect from Asia that was first detected in the United States in 2002. Since its discovery, EAB has caused the death and decline of tens of millions of ash trees. USDA is using ash trees to combat the pest.
Forest Owners Tax Tips for 2023
The 2023 Forest Owners Tax Tips are now available to assist you in completing your timber tax forms. Be sure to share this information with your accountant too!
Winter Woodland Owner Conferences Open to All
In 2024, five in person conferences will be offered around the state in Green Bay, Pewaukee, Oshkosh, Marathon, and Baldwin. These half-day and full-day conferences cover a variety of woodland owner topics. You are welcome to register for any of the conferences that interest you. Learn more on our Winter Conferences page.
AmeriCorps Position Open – Apply NOW!
NOW Hiring an AmeriCorps Member Know someone looking for something to do after graduation? Consider the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association (WWOA)! We’re searching for our next AmeriCorps member. 2024 AmeriCorps Flyer APPLY TODAY – deadline December 11, 2023 The position is full-time from January to August 2024.
Did a little birdie tell YOU? WWOA is HIRING!
Did a little birdie tell YOU? WWOA is HIRING! Join the WWOA Team to serve some of the greatest members in the world! We are a nonprofit association encouraging and educating Wisconsin’s woodland owners to care for their land in a sustainable manner. If you care about our woods and sustainability – join our staff to meet other like-minded people. Learn more about the positions available at WWOA.
Good news on taxes for owners of MFL acres
Good News on Taxes for Owners of MFL Acres The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has updated the tax rate for land enrolled in the Managed Forest Law and Forest Crop Law, and the rate is slightly lower for MFL. FCL acres remain taxed at the same or higher rate, depending upon when they were enrolled. Tax rates are calculated based upon a fixed formula.
How are You Helping Your NEXT GENERATION?
Create a Legacy for the NEXT GENERATION! Growing Your Legacy can be Fun! See all our tips and ideas for helping your next generations become engaged in your woodlands. It might be as simple as letting each child name a trail and then together creating a sign for that trail. Maybe your child or grandchild has a specific interest such as collecting leaves, bird watching, or looking for animal tracks.
Join Us Today – don’t miss out on the fun!
JOIN US TODAY to Meet Woodland Owners Who Care About Their Land Join us today – we can’t wait to meet you and hear about your woodlands (whether you have 10 acres or 400)! As the leaves come out, help us to also transform our forests by supporting the interests of private woodland owners and promoting sustainable forest management. Learn more about what WWOA does by clicking here.