Mission Statement and Bylaws
W.W.O.A. Mission Statement
The mission of the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association is to conserve and enhance the privatewoodlands of the state through the following actions:• Sustainably manage our woodlands with informed management plans that utilize best silviculture* practices;
• Assist private landowners in achieving their management goals by connecting them with natural resource professionals and fellow woodland owners;
• Educate the public on the value of woodlands for economic, environmental, recreational, and wildlife habitat purposes.These actions will ensure future generations can enjoy the natural beauty and benefits of our woodlands.Our vision is to be the “go-to” organization to assist woodland owners in achieving their sustainable forestry goals.
*Silviculture – The care and development of forests in order to obtain a product or provide a benefit.
W.W.O.A. Bylaws
WWOA’s Bylaws were updated by the members on September 18, 2021. The Bylaws are the rules that govern the management of WWOA by the Board of Directors.