March 22, 2024


Message From Billerud

March 21, 2024


I would like to take a moment to inform you of an important development within our company.


Today, Billerud announced that it has reached terms with the Capital Recovery Group, LLC (CRG, LLC) for the sale of the idled Wisconsin Rapids Mill and related assets. This decision follows a thorough exploration of viable and sustainable alternatives for the mill since its idling in July 2020. The anticipated completion of this transaction is scheduled for April 2024.


It’s important to emphasize that Billerud remains fully committed to the ownership and operation of the Wisconsin Rapids Converting Facility. This facility plays a key role in converting rolls of paper produced at our Escanaba and Quinnesec mills into folio and digital sheets, as well as sheeting cartonboard imported from our European mills. Our Midwest facilities are strategically located to ensure that we can continue to deliver our products quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively to meet our customers’ needs.


The decision to divest the idled Wisconsin Rapids Mill and associated assets underscores Billerud’s dedication to prioritizing core business objectives, resource optimization, and strategic alignment with our long-term goals, centered on fostering sustainable growth. Importantly, this decision will not impede our ability to uphold our commitment to delivering exceptional products and services to our valued customers.


We take immense pride in the rich legacy of the Wisconsin Rapids Mill within the paper and pulp industry and its contributions to the local community. Looking ahead, we are eager to continue this legacy through our converting facility, which will not only preserve over 130 jobs in the area but also indirectly support numerous roles across our supply chain.


We greatly appreciate your continued support and partnership as a valued supplier to Billerud. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or your Billerud Fiber Supply contact.



Nick Monkevich

Fiber Supply Director